
i am. positive

ever have one of those days? yanno, you fall out of bed and your dog eats your favorite shoes. you get rear-ended making you late for work. & when you get there you find out that you’re fired. although your day seems like it belongs on the pages of Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, if you try, you can almost always find something good about it. i mean, you’re still alive & at least your dog didn’t eat your homework.

sometimes the bad days become bad weeks & it’s difficult to be ‘mr. bright side’. we all get into those funks where we hate everyone and everything. mine always seems to happen right around this time of year too. it hasn’t hit me yet but when it does, i made a list of the things we can all do to lift our spirits!

1.look at images that make you happy. doesn’t matter what it is. it could be the color yellow or kittens playing. maybe it’s even jake paul in his “its everyday bro” music video.
2.write down your favorite quotes. i mean, most of us follow at least one of those accounts on twitter (yes, even guys) that can turn our frown upside down.
3.try to see the positive in every negative. like i said before… you’re still breathing, therefore you are #blessed
4.spend some time outside, soaking up the sun (‘gonna tell everyone to lighten up’ – sheryl crow)
5.leave room in your day to take a break from reality. i’m a firm believer that meditation saves lives. plz test my theory (;
6.have a passion project… for me it’s this blog. it could be anything, taking photos of slugs, cooking the perfect soufflé, or painting pictures of llamas with slippers. whatever makes you happy boo.
7.laugh at least once a day. i love laughing at people who trip and pretend they didn’t (even if that person is me).
8.take note of your emotions: write them down & focus on changing them from bad to good.
9.listen to music that makes you want to put up a disco ball and dance the night away. something nice for someone. this one is easy. come on now.
11.clear up beef you have with people. beef is unhealthy, try chicken instead.

if you find that none of these help, i’ve also created a “good vibes” board on Pinterest!