
i am. powerful

in the last week, i have been screwed over by quite a few people. i was blackmailed for money that is rightfully mine, told that i was a liar, and i was verbally assaulted in a sexual way by someone i used to trust. again, this was in the PAST WEEK! i’m probably not alone here, but people try to walk all over me more often than i’d like to admit. maybe its because i’m blonde that people think it’s ok to undermine my intelligence? maybe it’s because i’m a female that people think it’s ok to make rude, sexual comments? maybe it’s because i’m young that people think it’s ok to treat me as if i don’t know what i’m doing? maybe it’s because i let them?

it has happened to me so many times in my life that i’ve learned to just accept it. i’ve “sucked it up” when someone scammed me out of my hard earned money. i’ve shrugged it off when someone laughed at me for something i valued. i have hidden my anger when someone was condescending to me. but, not any more! i’m OVER IT! done! what good am i as a doormat? & why should i worry about offending the people who so clearly aren’t concerned about offending me?

asserting myself won’t be easy, but i would rather defend myself than keep it all bottled up. yet, i won’t resort to revenge. i mean, it may make me feel better in the short run, but it will leave me feeling disappointed in myself for stooping to their level. it may also deprive me of a valuable lesson. every time i’ve been screwed over, i’ve learned what to look for, what not to do to others, and ways to protect myself. now i just have to put what i’ve learned into action.

in life, people will try to take advantage (it happens to both guys and girls), but we don’t have to let them. we need to stand up for ourselves. we can’t let fear of what others may say stop us. we’ve got this!