
forever young

the jonas brothers getting back together inspired me to write this post. their music reminded me of how great life was before getting so serious.

it seems like we all have this insane need to be adult-like. like how many of you feel like you need to know your entire life plan? what you’re gonna do after college, where you’ll live, or what you’re going to name your kids? when i’m asked questions like these, it stresses me the frick out. i’m like, boy, i don’t even know what i’m gonna have for lunch. it makes me feel like i have to act much older than my age & tbh, it’s sucking the fun outta life.

a lot of the time, i get caught up believing that i need to work a legit job, attend college, and not waste my time on typical teenager stuff. my life gets really serious and i waste full weekends doing only homework, planning for my future & working instead of taking a break and doing things that make me feel young & alive. i want to stay up all night laughing, playing euchre, having chair racing contests and pranking my friends. i want to spend my weekends at concerts, arcades and airtime. i want to sneak into clubs & dance all night.

i have my entire life ahead of me to “adult” but the excuse that “i’m young and stupid” is only going to last me for so long. so, why would i try to rush into the next phase of my life so soon?

side note: i have been told that if i do it right, i can hold off adulting indefinitely. that’s my plan, anyone else?