
i am. a beach

no, i don’t mean a replacement for b*tch. i really do mean beach.

recently, like a beach, i’ve gotten walked all over. (i know, this was lame. i’m kinda sorry). so i decided that i am going to write an open letter to two of the people who recently scammed me and give them a piece of my mind. (do i sound tough yet? no? didn’t think so).

dear joan daud… if that’s even your real name. about a week ago, i saw your posting on facebook for tickets to a food festival, and i tried to purchase them from you. unfortunately for me, i sent you the money and didn’t receive anything in return but a deleted facebook account.

& yanno how they say first time, shame on you, second time shame on me? well shame on me because this same thing happened when i sold my prime tickets to a kid named “ryan.” ryan, i sure hope you used that money for something good because i reported you to the cops. not because i needed my money back, but because i didn’t want any other gullible fool to be screwed over like i was. the worst part about this one, ryan, is that you were recommended to me by one of my friends…

so to both “joan” and “ryan,” i hope you are pleased. you made an easy $50. but i hope you know (& i’m sure you don’t care) that you’re part of the reason that this once very trusting person is losing faith in people. i no longer have the same trust for anyone, friend or stranger. & that is the thing i hate most about your petty theft. so, frick you for that.

i hope this message reaches you. wish you the best with your future “business ventures.” i hope you can now drive your yacht through the ocean you made of victim’s tears haha. xoxo, the no longer trusting, IAM.

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