• Blogs

    i am. choosing the easiest answer

    ever heard of occam’s razor? it simply states that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one. & i live my life by this. i’m not an over thinker. at all. so when people ask me for advice, it’s typically pretty straightforward. i was recently dm’ed asking for some dating advice. it was pretty typical; girl matches with guy…

  • Blogs

    i am. reflecting

    this semester, i’ve been thinking a lot about social media. possibly because i’m taking three classes on it – but, nevertheless, i have. i thought about the amount of time i spend posting, who i am online versus who i am in real life & so much more. i was asked to create a role for my social media self…

  • Blogs

    i am. crossing my fingers

    if you know me, you know i love to travel. & i get asked a lot how i manage to do it on my college student budget. well, here’s the secret to success……… spend all of the money you have. thats right, we’re talking $15 in the bank account type thing. and while i do get a lot of help…

  • Blogs

    i am. okay with this

    i’m reading a book right now called “the top five regrets of the dying,” &, at one point, she writes about growing up being judged. something i’m pretty sure every person has experienced. i know i have. (that’s the whole reason i started this page). anyway, she pointed out that everyone who was judging her, was likely unhappy with themselves…

  • Blogs

    i am. getting that kiss

    with new year being in two days (2020 – you better not suck), i decided that everyone that reads this deserves a new years kiss (if they want one, of course). so, i’m writing this blog to help. all you have to do is… repost and share with ten of your friends for good luck!!!!! jk hehe (i think i’m…

  • Blogs

    i am. seeing the other

    arguing. some love it, others hate it. for me, i avoid it like the plague. i noticed the other day as my mom was scrolling through facebook, that social media has recently turned into a political battlefield, one that i don’t want to be drafted into. as mom read the tea in the comments section and reworded her reply several…

  • Blogs

    i am. relieving stress

    at umich at least, finals season is all about who can be the most stressed. & if you dont think you need to stress about finals, you’re stressed about not being stressed. its a hot mess that is just making us less productive in the long run. so, instead of crashing and burning & not being able to study any…

  • Blogs

    i am. not expecting it

    it’s cuffing season, & i know a lot of people out there are looking for a boo to snuggle up with to watch christmas movies & drink hot chocolate. well, for those people in need, i may have some bad news; it’s typically easier to find a bf/gf that sticks if you’re not looking. sure, i’ve been in and out…

  • Blogs

    i am. under the influence

    i tend to convince myself that my decisions aren’t really influenced by society, but as i grow up i realize that almost ALL of my decisions are influenced by society. for example, lets talk drugs and alcohol. sure i’ve drank (don’t snitch), but it’s looked at as normal. my parents did it, my friends do it, & honestly, no one…

  • Blogs

    i am. wrong

    to judge. my mom is seeing this guy & a lot of people think he’s not good enough for her. he smokes, works as a bartender/restaurant manager, lives with his parents & has a mouth like a sailor. people close to her have warned her not to date him (because of the bar scene stereotypes). but as someone who has…