• Blogs

    i am. not broken

    we are made up of our experiences. our mistakes. our heartbreaks. our baggage. how does that make you feel? helpless? broken? how about proud? in yoga, the teacher told us that when some people break something valuable, such as a pot that has been passed on for generations, they glue the pieces together with gold, and it makes the item…

  • Blogs

    i am. not expecting it

    it’s cuffing season, & i know a lot of people out there are looking for a boo to snuggle up with to watch christmas movies & drink hot chocolate. well, for those people in need, i may have some bad news; it’s typically easier to find a bf/gf that sticks if you’re not looking. sure, i’ve been in and out…

  • Blogs

    i am. painfully ordinary

    over the past few months, i have been approached by several people in restaurants, coffee shops, stores, at work, at school, and asked if i am that iam.becoming girl. most compliment the page and tell me that i have inspired them in some way. i’m not gonna lie, i’m so flattered. this is a major perk of having this account.…

  • Blogs

    i am. not looking forward to it

    this blog is all about trying new things, right? well… theres a bunch of things i’ve written off because they SEEM like things i wouldn’t want to do. but imma try some of these things i’ve sworn off & see what happens. here are the things that do not sound fun, but i’m gunna try anyway (kind of an anti-bucket,…

  • Blogs

    i am. a teenager

    and all that that represents: an excuse to be young, free, impulsive. but my teen days are numbered! *sigh* and i’m not sure that i’ve lived these years to the fullest. so it looks like i better get busy! a few days ago, my doc told me that my stitches (that were partially removed) were possibly infected and my wound…

  • Blogs

    i am. sassy

    let me just tell you. i am a pain in the butt to date. i can be slightly (ok, maybe more than slightly) confusing & sassy when i get comfortable with someone. like, when i say “i hate you,” it really means “i love you.” when i say “you suck,” it means “i appreciate you.” & when i say “frick…

  • Blogs

    i am. going for it

    if you’ve graduated high school, you most likely have a copy of “oh, the places you’ll go.” & as childish as it may seem on the surface, this book has gobs of wisdom. i mean, he tells us that our destinies are in our own hands. tell me thats not deep. but hey, why dont we actually take some of…

  • Blogs

    i am. poor

    personally poor, that is (my family’s money is another story). i think most people realize that kids have more fun. maybe it’s because we can use “i’m still a kid” as an excuse for everything. maybe it’s because the world is still so new & we have endless options. maybe it’s because we have little responsibility. or maybe (just maybe)…