Anyone have a weakness for pretty packages? I know I do, but I’m often disappointed because the product isn’t as fabulous as the package suggests. Think: the cute round OGX shampoo bottles that flex their use of collagen and fancy oils. I’ve snatched these off the shelf at target only to find out (after I used it) that they’re in…

  • Blogs

    i am. afraid of judgement

    i sit at a coffee shop, surrounded by strangers &, for some reason, i feel at home. very much myself. i sit in a room full of people i’ve met a couple of times. there is drinking involved, yet i still feel uncomfortable. why is this? i may be the only person who feels this way, but i am much…

  • Blogs

    i am. wrong

    to judge. my mom is seeing this guy & a lot of people think he’s not good enough for her. he smokes, works as a bartender/restaurant manager, lives with his parents & has a mouth like a sailor. people close to her have warned her not to date him (because of the bar scene stereotypes). but as someone who has…